Voting FAQs & Resources

Here you will find important election season dates, information on voter registration opportunities and Louisiana requirements, ballot-casting options, and more!


Louisiana Elections Hotline: 1.800.883.2805 

College students in Louisiana are eligible to vote in Louisiana, even if their permanent address is out-of-state. 

You can register to vote using the street address of the building where you live, either on or off campus. Do not use a campus mailbox address to register, but you can use a campus mailbox as your mailing address.

Are you already registered to vote in your home state, but you want to change your registration to your college state? Most counties and states do not require you to cancel your voter registration after you move, but doing so helps your local election officials. 

States/ cancellation form requirements 

Information on voting as a student

On March 29th, Louisiana has an Open Municipal Primary Election. Read below to find out what is on the ballot:

  • 4 proposed amendments to the State constitution. For these amendments, you vote "yes" or "no."
  • Various municipalities are holding municipal office elections
  • Some local jurisdictions have propositions on the ballot
  • Some special elections will be held

For information on parish-specific elections, refer to Louisiana's Secretary of State Election Quick Facts Guide

How and when to vote:

  • March 26th: Last day to request an absentee ballot
  • March 28th: Last day for absentee ballots to be received
  • March 29th (Election Day): Polls open at 7 A.M. and close at 8 P.M.
  • April 1st: Deadline to request a recount
  • April 7th: Deadline to contest a candidate election
  • April 14th: Official results
  • May 14th: Last day to contest a proposition election
  • June 13th: Last day to contest a tax proposition election


Even if you did not register to vote on time for this election, you should still register as soon as possible, whether in Lousiana or in your home state! 

  • If you are a permanent Louisiana resident, use GeauxVote to register online
  • If you are NOT a permanent Louisiana resident (most Tulane students), you must submit a paper application via mail or in person at any Registrar of Voters Office
  • For all other states and territories, use to register, or TurboVote.
  • If you are curious about your registration status or have any questions about upcoming elections, voting requirements, etc. use TurboVote!
  • For Louisiana-specific questions, refer to Louisiana's Secretary of State website. 

As an out-of-state college students, you can still vote in your home state with your permanent address. 

Below are some common areas of concern amongst students and voters. 

  • If you are unsure of your voter registration status, use TurboVote or to check. 
  • If you wish to change your party ID or mailing address, use