To fulfill the NTC Public Service core curriculum requirement, and to ensure quality service learning experiences for students and ethical, collaborative partnerships for our community partners, all service learning courses will be reviewed by the joint NTC-CPS Service Learning Curriculum Committee.
Submitting a New Service Learning Course Proposal
Faculty interested in teaching a new service learning course or an existing course that has never carried the service learning designation before:
- Have your department submit the course, or changes to course, through the registrar's CIM system, and
- Complete CPS's online proposal form no later than Oct 1st or March 1st for the following semester.
The Joint NTC-CPS Curriculum Committee on Service Learning will offer peer review of service learning courses in an ongoing process. Once CPS has resolved any discrepancies and/or requested revisions from faculty, the proposals will receive the final approval.
Once the sections have been approved, CPS will inform you/your department to post the service learning sections in the schedule of courses. At this point the class will be listed in the course listings as a service learning course that fulfills (one tier of) the Public Service Graduation Requirement.
Renewing a Service Learning Course
The Center appreciates faculty members who make an ongoing commitment to community by offering service-learning courses each year. Each semester, all submitted courses must be renewed so that adequate support can be planned for. If substantial changes to either the structure of the course (i.e., learning objectives, evaluation procedures, etc.) or the service activity have been made, the course will be re-evaluated by the Joint NTC-CPS Curriculum Committee. Please email your intent to teach in the future semester, and any changes, to
Faculty-Driven Independent Study
Through the public service independent study option, CPS encourages faculty members to utilize students in their community-based research or projects. This option provides students the opportunity to conduct impactful work in the community while gaining course credit and completing the 2nd tier of the public service graduation requirement. The faculty-developed independent studies are typically faculty driven research projects that utilize multiple undergraduate students are research or project assistants. Faculty interested in this option should complete the online submission form. Please email with any questions.
Deadlines to submit petitions:
- March 15 to get reviewed by the end of the Spring semester
- October 15 to get reviewed by the end of the Fall semester